Does/Did PRS ever make guitars on weekends?

Do/did they make guitars on the weekends though?
Contact customer service and ask them! I would conjecture that most here responding to that query would be guessing ;~)) My guess would be, of course they did. They have been in business for 40 years. To think they never once worked any weekend hours in that timespan would be unrealistic in my mind, but the source would know best!!
Odd Post Topic. Is This Leading To What Day A Guitar Was Built On To See If It Is Better Than A Guitar Built On A Different Day? If So, The Time It Takes Wood To Cure And Necks To Set And Glue To Try For Bodies And Fretboards A Guitar Is Not Made In A Single Day. If That Is The Mindset Behind The Original Post Then It Is Moot Because The PRS Build Time Is Much Longer Than A Day To Complete A Guitar.
Odd Post Topic. Is This Leading To What Day A Guitar Was Built On To See If It Is Better Than A Guitar Built On A Different Day? If So, The Time It Takes Wood To Cure And Necks To Set And Glue To Try For Bodies And Fretboards A Guitar Is Not Made In A Single Day. If That Is The Mindset Behind The Original Post Then It Is Moot Because The PRS Build Time Is Much Longer Than A Day To Complete A Guitar.
Or they lead you to believe it takes longer ;-)
Dude... are you cereal?
First question you quoted, yes, dead cereal! If your answer to that first question was "yes, I was joking" then the next two questions do not apply ;~)) Sorry if I did not make that clear in my phrasing! So, were you joking? Plenty of people believe in the "stuff produced on Fridays and Mondays are sh!t" and I guarantee you white papers have been written on the topic, industries and individual manufacturers have studied it, etc. So I think it is a fair question to ask if you were joking. I seem to recall that hard cases not coming with all guitars of price $x and picture posting have been thorns in your side, perhaps you feel PRS is letting you down on Mondays and Fridays as well (or more specifically, the QC on Fridays and Mondays) ;~))
Odd Post Topic. Is This Leading To What Day A Guitar Was Built On To See If It Is Better Than A Guitar Built On A Different Day? If So, The Time It Takes Wood To Cure And Necks To Set And Glue To Try For Bodies And Fretboards A Guitar Is Not Made In A Single Day. If That Is The Mindset Behind The Original Post Then It Is Moot Because The PRS Build Time Is Much Longer Than A Day To Complete A Guitar.
This went a lot further than I expected. My dog's birthday was on a Saturday, and I’ve been searching for a guitar made on his birthday. Just wanted to know if it was pointless to try and find one on that day because they didn’t make guitars on weekends.
This went a lot further than I expected. My dog's birthday was on a Saturday, and I’ve been searching for a guitar made on his birthday. Just wanted to know if it was pointless to try and find one on that day because they didn’t make guitars on weekends.

It’s pretty unlikely. Hangtag dates are just the date that the guitar got the tag. That said, I have a guitar that was dated the day I met my wife. Pure chance on that.

I do wonder why PRS, or any manufacturer, doesn’t make it easier to find guitars with specific dates. That would seem to be an unserved market. It should be quite simple to create a DB that can show guitars dated xx/xx/xxxx and which dealers they went to. They’d have a great opportunity to sell guitars through sentiment, which people can and will pay for.

Along those lines, I’ve never understood why they don’t make a similar tool for chasing down particular Wood Library builds. Make it easy for customers to find what they want. Not only that, but tracking the queries would provide useful market data.
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This went a lot further than I expected. My dog's birthday was on a Saturday, and I’ve been searching for a guitar made on his birthday. Just wanted to know if it was pointless to try and find one on that day because they didn’t make guitars on weekends.
A noble cause, for sure. Pooches rule! But, I think this is a hunt that would be for naut.
This went a lot further than I expected. My dog's birthday was on a Saturday, and I’ve been searching for a guitar made on his birthday. Just wanted to know if it was pointless to try and find one on that day because they didn’t make guitars on weekends.
Ahh...I Hear You. Very Tough To Do In That Regard. Your Best Bet Is To Search Private Stock Guitars And Hope For That Date You Desire To Be On The Back Of The Headstock. There Are Multiple PS Guitars With The Same Date (Obviously Different Serial Numbers) So That Is The Easiest Way I See For You To Accomplish What You Are Hoping To Accomplish. Sadly, That Avenue Will Be More Expensive Due To The Guitar Being A PS.

Good Luck! I Am Sure It Exists!!
As someone who worked there in the mid 90's (the Annapolis shop) I can say for sure people were sometimes working there on the weekends, especially some of the body shop guys who wanted to get ahead of the week and pick up extra $$. But it definitely wasn't a full roster there or anything, nothing was mandated that I knew of, so it's unlikely (though not impossible) that a guitar would have been finished on a weekend.
First question you quoted, yes, dead cereal! If your answer to that first question was "yes, I was joking" then the next two questions do not apply ;~)) Sorry if I did not make that clear in my phrasing! So, were you joking? Plenty of people believe in the "stuff produced on Fridays and Mondays are sh!t" and I guarantee you white papers have been written on the topic, industries and individual manufacturers have studied it, etc. So I think it is a fair question to ask if you were joking. I seem to recall that hard cases not coming with all guitars of price $x and picture posting have been thorns in your side, perhaps you feel PRS is letting you down on Mondays and Fridays as well (or more specifically, the QC on Fridays and Mondays) ;~))
Ok, I understand. Yes, I was totally joking. :)