Do you think the price of PRS guitars will go up in 2025?

My last core was a '23 DGT. It was over $4K!........I'm finished with PRS core models, I'm proficient enough to be thrilled with an SE or S-2......I've owned about 25 cores over the years. Prices are out of hand.
If the price of PRS do NOT go up next year, then there is something fishy going on. Corners are being cut, new accounting magic is being employed, workers are not being provided with COL increases in their wages, Paul is taking less money, etc. If the price of the products that are used to make this instrument go up, and workers need more money to put the same amount of food on their table, the basic logic is the price of this product should/will increase. That is my two cents (and worth less than half of that) ;~)) BUY NOW! And buy again later!