Do you remember before you played guitar?

I remember shredding air with down picking madness and moshing about my room while listening to Anthrax's The Persistence of Time album. I remember the days before guitar well.
Yes, but it was nearly 800 years ago when I posed for this:

I remember going for my first lesson, but I don't really remember not playing. It's 42 years now - I should be better. I do remember wanting to play and my mother looking for a place to take lessons, but it seems like that was only a few days. Had to be more than that.

Funny how the mind plays tricks - my wife and I both talk about how we can barely remember what it was like to not have kids, or to not be together. When I tell people we've been married 83 years, it really is a compliment. But my experience has been better than hers!
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Started when I was 10. I remember taking my first lesson and thinking "I will never learn how to play this thing!"
I was 8 when I started playing classical guitar (30 years ago). I can remember playing guitar with a tennis racquet a little before then, and the odd little thing here and there, but not a lot of pre-guitar stuff to be honest.
I was in High School when I first picked up a guitar and tried to play it and to this day I still suck at it and I am still trying to play guitar
I think it's complete BS when guys say "Everyone starts playing guitar just to pick up girls". That simply isn't true. I think many, if not most, of us started playing because we love music.
When I was very young (3rd Grade) I wanted to play the saxaphone like Ritchie Cunningham on Happy Days, My parents couldnt afford a sax and lessons at the time. Later when I was 12 I was able to get a $50 GEM acoustic guitar and take lessons. I took lesson for about a year then in to the bedroom I went learning Zeppelin, Dio, Black Sabbath.
Thats about the only thing I remember from that time other than absolutely loved listening to music.
I'm 56 now. I started playing guitar at 16 after a bought a used baby blue Fender Mustang from a guy on the street. I wish I still had that guitar. But before guitar, I played accordion, against my will. The instrument from least for me given I was forced to play nothing but Lawrence Welk type music and Italian favorites. In retrospect, I know I sound negative, but it was a really good experience and it introduced me at a young age (started a 6 years old) to music.
I played violin for many years, and dabbled in piano. Never liked playing those instruments back then. Loved the guitar first, but my little fingers at the time made it difficult to play. Also played drums a for a good 5 years before I gave the guitar a real go. Still play the drums and I forgot how to play the violin. Wish I still knew how though. But there's nothing like the guitar, the fire still burns strong.
I think it's complete BS when guys say "Everyone starts playing guitar just to pick up girls". That simply isn't true. I think many, if not most, of us started playing because we love music.

I'd have to agree... I picked it up because I liked the sound of it most of all I think.

I do remember life before guitar but as i'd just moved town a few months before I picked it up at the age of 16/17 it feels like a different life.