Do you name your guitars?

WeLl I sUrE aS hElL dOn't SiT aRoUnD tRyInG tO tHiNk Of NaMeS fOr EaCh Of ThEm. ThAt Is WhY oNlY 4 Of 10 Or So Of MiNe HaVe NaMeS. tHaT sAiD, wHeN tHe NaMe JuSt CoMeS, iT dOeS nOt SeEm To InTeRfErE wItH pLaYiNg/WrItInG tImE, aNd ThE nAmE sOmEtImEs CoMeS wHiLe PlAyInG/wRiTiNg WiTh ThEm, So ThEy GeT nAmEs. BuT tYpInG aLl Of ThIs Is JuSt A tL;Dr CoOl StOrY bRo

Good for you.
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I'm not sure who it is on this forum, but someone has a Mr. Clean (@Boogie?) that I would love to also name the same. Or, the Custodian. That would be a cool name.
That would be me. @crgtr is the OG namer and it has stuck. Even David Grissom signed the control plate to “Mr. Clean”, so that’s his name. The one and only.
I've been labelling my cases (since many of them look identical) with a piece of white gaffer's tape + black marker with some cryptic description of the guitar that lives inside. For instance: "McSoapy/Cherry," and "408/Trampas," that kind of thing. Not enough to really give-away what's in the case to the novice, but enough so that I know. I recently almost simply wrote the word "BEAST" on my new-to-me Stripped 58. Almost...

Follow-up: hell with it, I'm just gonna do it. "Stripped 58, Whale Blue" written on this case label just doesn't strike quickly to the core of my brain as well as "Beast" does. I'm changing the label today. When I see "Beast" written on a case, I'll know--"Yup, that's the blue Stripped 58."
That would be me. @crgtr is the OG namer and it has stuck. Even David Grissom signed the control plate to “Mr. Clean”, so that’s his name. The one and only.

Was that Chris? He used to be on previous forum incarnations and a heckuva decent player, posting humorous videos every so often. So you picked up Chris' old guitar? I didn't realize that Dave had signed the backplate. That's some nice provenance. As you can see in my sig, I've renamed Ms. T to the Custodian, if that's OK with you...
I think it's ridiculous to name inanimate objects, but to each his / her own. I have never and will never name a guitar, bass, car or anything other than my son and my dog.


You diggy don't stop, sippin on that Private Stock
I think you mean insane, not inanimate.

Perhaps. When they're students and still at an early age, they can be quite bright and intelligent. The bonus is if their peers are good ones, they'll provide good examples for them later on in life. Sometimes if they build each other up, that can have a positive effect instead of a negative one.

It's kind of the same reason this forum is not the same as previous forums I've visited. Despite the occasional complaint or protest that occurs from lack of knowledge or issue with something that requires repair, most times each of you has been wise and helpful, showing and guiding gently, and carefully.

There are times when the fun gets a bit silly and out of control...but the moderators realize we're only just big kids at heart who live vicariously through our children, or who we seem to think we are, that makes the difference.

Insane? No. It was our own immaturity that drove our parents nuts when we were growing up, and it was our parents who protected us and cared for us, with a mind to mild correction. and a willingness to let us be who we were. In time, as we grew out of childhood, we began to see things in a different light, and realized that as we became adults we also would need to be good examples to others, if we didn't want to end up sick, hurt, incarcerated, or dead.

There were things we had to avoid, and although when we chose to be guitarists, the clue to our being good examples was living a clean life, and taking care of ourselves others so that they might appreciate why you chose to do this.

In summary, if we were all clean-cut kids when we were growing up that followed the same course during his of her entire lifetime, perhaps there would be less chance of being ensnared by the usual lures and traps this world has that causes us to fare badly.

In illustration, you can go on a vacation to swim at a beach, but you can't breathe underwater without some assisted gear. Likewise, you plant a seed and cultivate it hoping it will grow and mature, making produce for your family. Time to wake the kids up again. ;)