Do you hoard, erm collect gear?

I am NOT in denial about my hoarding.

If some is good, more is better!

It’s all about meaning.

I want to be able to say what I mean. That takes the right equipment, and it’s always changing.

Started with Duane Eddy, then surf, Folk, Chicago Blues, jazz gigs, etc etc.
Couldn’t afford more than one good guitar at a time when I was working.

Now I’m retired, widowed, only taking very select gigs.

Was asked to play bass a few weeks ago. So that led to a hoarding tear: resulting in three basses and a couple sizes of bass rigs. See how it goes? Sometimes the gear I have has the wrong notes!

Now I’m tripping over a couple dozen instruments, including about 6 PRS Core models.
The pinnacle is my Gibson L5, then Tele, Strat, Martin, etc. etc. (gotta have the icons).
‘Course, gotta have a Gretsch (Duane Eddy, remember?), the basses (just in case),

I’ve played all kinds of gigs (used to be a gig whore). Now, I love music and guitar more than ever, but you can HAVE the “biz!”

So now in my rocking chair years I just lie about what a great player I used to be and gaze in idolatry at my hoarded collection, which grows like the eggplant that ate Chicago...
You’re all wrong. It was my high school garage band in 1966.

We were punks. We played fast. We played too loud. We wore weird clothing.

The 70s punks copied us. We, on the other hand, copied The Who. Unfortunately, we were pretty bad at being The Who.

That didn’t seem to stop us, however.

Were you a mod, a rocker, or a mocker, Les? :)
Meaning what exactly?

Maybe you try a little before you proclaim yourself an expert on the effects. There's always a chance it'll help you pull that stick out of your arse :)

Nope. This merely highlights your ability to BS while under the influence and not say much of value. FTR, like others, I did my share of weed-smoking in high school/college, and can't say I was any more creative or intelligent because of it.

Go back to your studies and have a sandwich for your munchies while you're at it.

(You'll note that a good number of folks here are lambasting your posts while you seem to be resisting and protesting. Do yourself a favor and realize what you're doing)

You may forget about the passive-aggressive smiley you just posted.
College days: Pizza, beer, weed, sweat, studies, debating silly topics, like who has the better hat.

"Would you like a bag for that, sir?"

Later life: Wine & cheese tastings, corksniffery, boutique stuff, among highlighting more important things.
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