Do you dream guitars?

No, I just play them.

But I do have a recurring dream,...... ....... since 1972.

Every time I eat spicy food I dream I'm on an island stranded with a bunch of people, no way to get home, having to fend for ourselves in the elements, hunting and gathering to survive. It all goes well until I go all "Lord of the Flies" on them...


..... and wipe them all out so I can have the women all to myself.


What? A vacation and you didn't bring us anything home? Not even a coconut or seashell?
I remember a particular dream from the 90s I had where someone had broken my PRS. Not in the usual way, where it's the headstock, it had been broken right down the middle of the body somehow.

Talk about nightmares.
I didn’t wanna tell anybody about but, a couple months back I had at least two very vivid dreams about Les Paul’s.
Were you at school at the time and were you naked? And found out you’d missed most of the class for the semester and the final is today? Yeah, I’ve had that dream too. *shudder* The Les Paul made me do it.
I think I’m in the clear.

I suffer from terrible nightmares and have done some reading about them. One school of thought, and it’s something I prefer to believe, is that dreams are kinda like the mind’s trash bin on your computer. So once you start dreaming about something, it means that you’re already over whatever the dream was about, and it’s ready for deletion.

I got something gold I’ll bring along tomorrow. That should surely end any desire those nightmares put in you head!
I had a dream the other night about programming delays for an interesting guitar sound, and it sounded amazing in the dream, but when I woke up I couldn’t remember the sound I went for.

So it was a lost dream opportunity.

On the other hand, dreaming about some topics is never a waste of dream time. ;)
What are the pickups?!:D

“The question regarding how the pickups fit into the analysis is answered by realizing that isn’t about the pickups, it’s about the toggle.”
— Freud

“What if I have a rotary?”

“They didn’t have rotaries in my day. I died in 1939. You’ll have to work that out for yourself.”
Believe you me, there was a time around 2013-2014 when I saw guitars here in this very forum that was like ‘peering into a fable’ and ‘straying into a dream’. Damn, that feeling.

They took me above the clouds with their beauty, and to hell with the thought that I could never ever own them.

So yes I believe I had dreams of guitars. Thank goodness they all stayed dry.
“Dr. Freud, as the author of Die Traumdeutung, how do you interpret these guitar dreams?”

“The correct way of approaching the interpretation of these dreams is to ask, what do these dreams have to do with the Oedipus Complex? The answer is simple. Examine a guitar. You have a shaft, and you have a curvy body. In the most primitive terms, ask yourself what the image of a shaft going into a curvy body represents.”

“Well, I’m not sure, Doctor Freud.”

“Then you’re either repressed or stupid. Lie down on the couch and let’s talk about your early childhood and your relationship with your mother. Ja, so what was mutti like?”
Lol! OMG!!