Discovered my Guitar after 4 year incubation period ........... similar experiences?


Zombie 27 - DFZ
Apr 26, 2012
18 miles northwest of Phenn Rock City
4 years ago I got a PS that I had ordered. I was looking for my dream Gigging Guitar. Pre-P22 Piezo options were very expensive. I didn't care, as I really wanted that option for Gigs. The Guitar came & looked like a million bucks. It was perfect. Everything I wanted was there! One problem........... I couldn't bond with the Guitar. I tried very hard to bond with that Guitar. I tried to force myself into liking it. It just wouldn't happen. After 5-6 months, the Guitar just hung on the wall. Once evry 3-4 months I would get it out & make another attempt. This turned into every 6 months & finally I just quit trying. Well............................ about a month ago I took it off the wall, restrung her, & gave her a whirl. I have no idea what made me get it down, but I did. I have played the Guitar nearly every day since then. I have bonded with it. It has turned into my main Guitar. I dunno, it's pretty wierd! I am very happy I took her off the wall that day.

Anyone else have an experience like this?

Gorgeous guitar. Glad to hear you finally bonded with it. I don't really have a similar story but I've certainly been concerned about bonding with a few of my guitars. When you put lumber and pickups you've never tried on a guitar you hope it'll work with you when it arrives. I consider myself fortunate so far. One of the guitars I'm referencing I ordered based on the first P-Sig I seen...your Aqua Violet. Love yours and mine. :top:
Thanks for sharing your story.

If you ever stop bonding wit it again you can send it to me for 6 months at a time. :laugh:
Nice guitar. It couldn't have been all bad because you kept it to try again and again.
Maybe you had bonded with it and you just didn't know it until the last time you picked it up.

I'm glad you're enjoying it now.
I'm pretty easy to please with guitars, so I like just about all that I get. Sure, I prefer some to others. But I think it's just human nature to have our tastes and preferences change over time. I mean crap, I own a freaking pink guitar. I hate pink :D.
I have had similar experiences, though on a smaller scale (financially, chronologically). Since The only guitar I've ever bought on order is my 513, I didn't the have the experience of speccing something and hoping. I have bought a couple guitars that I had fallen in love with at first, then drifted away for 6 months or a year. When I got that wild hair and pulled the back out, I re-realized why I bought them in the first place.

One is my SC HB Std. It got played a ton the first six months, then disappeared for the next. When I pulled it back out, it blew me away, and I couldn't believe I hadn't been playing it. The other (non-PRS) is my Taylor Solidbody Standard. That thing is one of the most underrated guitars on earth. It doesn't replace any PRSi, but did replace a Firebird and a Campbell Transitone.
I can sometimes go for months without playing my guitar. I'm a hobyist, so I sort of don't have to. But when I jump back on I do so with enthusiasm and even find that I've not lost too much of my limited skill, and improve slightly each time. And as for my two guitars, I a bit like jcha008 in that I'm pretty easy to please, although I do have my favourites in terms of body shape. Pink guitar though... that was a bit off the wall ;)

Similar to a couple of the tales above, I'd put down my SG some time ago because I was struggling with a finger injury. My recent PRS purchase was a bit daft in as much as I still struggle playing and therefore should not have bothered. However, I did get one, and I found myself picking up my SG and appreciating that even more so. It's only a budget end SG Special but I still love it... And now I have two guitars that I love :)
You know what....... I keep a guitar at my family's place on the coast, I was there this weekend and had a 'man, this is a killer guitar' moment!!

Dunno why this happens.......
Glad you found the magic in it finally! I usually don't keep the ones I don't bond with long enough to come back to them that much later. I try, try, and try again and if within a few months if it does not say YES I move em on.

i seem to have settled on to my Tremonti and ME as my PRS keepers.
I try, try, and try again and if within a few months if it does not say YES I move em on.

The obligatory "I was that way about dating when I was single" joke comes to mind...
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I'm with ya Mark! I hadn't played my PS in about 6 months. Got it back out a couple weeks ago, and it hasn't been put away just feels perfect!
Congrats, Markie!

I had the same thing happen with my goldtop HBI. PTC-Massages-my-Goldtop Remember from the thread that it had an aftermarket piezo installed and the battery was under the bridge pup - what a pain to change the battery!

Then I sent it to Shawn and now it is my number one! I even take it to acoustic fingerpicking lessons with a small battery amp because it just fits my hand so well...

EDIT: I bought it used in September of 2004 - so it took 8 years....

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,So, the lesson learned is if one changes strings on a guitar one will then love the guitar? It seems kinda shallow to me. Just sayin...
,So, the lesson learned is if one changes strings on a guitar one will then love the guitar? It seems kinda shallow to me. Just sayin...

WTF!!!! You can change the strings?? Really? You don't need to buy a new guitar when the strings stop being shiny??

Why didn't anybody tell me this!!!

I am glad you finally got wise to that guitar! It's one of my favorites in the litter. I settled in and bonded with that one immediately. I also recall it having a nice swirly brazzy fretboard.

I have one of my own that I would trade you for that piezo monster with the westie dragon... but I 'discovered' recently that I can't live without it!
Nice guitar!

I'm hoping the same thing will happen with my SE C24.

It's not working for me at the moment and I know why... Can't get on with the neck. I'm hoping I'll have the same experience and one day learn to love it.

When I first got my Strat I didn't play it much for a while. I can't remember why... But I finally got into it and never put it down!
I guess some Private Stocks ae like Wild Horses... just takes a while to tame them... I, myself, wouldn't know even how a PS feels (One day... one day!!)
Congrats.... does this count as a NGD??? Maybe NGD (FYL)