Difference between Custom, Custom Pro and SE Custom


New Member
Nov 8, 2017
May I know what are the main difference between custom, Custom Pro and SE Custom model?

My understanding is Custom is the basic custom model, Custom Pro is a discontinued model and SE Custom is the top model. Am I correct?
If it says SE Custom, it was made in (the very good) South Korea factory and inspected in Maryland. SE Standards are made in Indonesia - also inspected here.

If it doesn't say SE, it was made in Maryland with almost entirely USA parts. This is called a 'core' guitar.

Also, the S2 line is made in Maryland, but shards some imported parts with the SE line.
As Ovibos said, the SE line is a lower cost version of the Core line. The S2 line fits between. If it doesn't say "SE" or "S2", it is a core line model - with possible upgrades beyond that (see below). So the SE Standards are the lowest cost, the regular SEs next, then S2, then Core.

I have never heard of a "Custom Pro" PRS.

There are grades of guitar above the normal Core called Artist Package, Wood Library, and Private Stock.

"SE", perhaps apocryphally, was said to stand for "Student Edition" to denote the still-high-quality yet lower-cost model line, but that terminology was never officially used by PRS as far as I have found.