did the custom 24 ever come with a neck other than wide thin


New Member
Apr 27, 2012
or pattern thin? I can never seem to find any with a regular equivalent modern neck carve
I think it was a normal option back in the early 2000s. Also still available as wood library, one offs and such.

I had a 2017 Custom 24 with regular neck, 10 top WL that I sold (yesterday lol).
how long we talking? 90s? 2000s? 2010s?
Yeah, maybe up to the 00’s? At least that’s when it seemed more commonplace.

I think it was a normal option back in the early 2000s. Also still available as wood library, one offs and such.

I had a 2017 Custom 24 with regular neck, 10 top WL that I sold (yesterday lol).

But also kinda sad. :(
I see Standard and Pattern Regular show up now and then in used listings. PR and 59/09s from 2012-2015 aren’t too unusual to find.
In 2015, the 30th Anniversary Private Stock run came with the Pattern Regular neck, as did many up to the mid-'00s at least.

I had one of those 30th PS run guitars. It was great.

The DGT has a pretty similar neck.