Dgt15 noise issues


New Member
Jul 15, 2024
I recently purchased a new DGT 15 amp and have some concerns. When the amp is first turned on it is quite noisy - static sounds. This diminishes after the amp has been on for a time. The other worrying sound is when I turn it off there is a very loud pop.
I have tried different speaker cabs, different ohms with no change in the noises. It doesn’t matter if a guitar is plugged in or not.
I have contacted the seller - a large online store who are usually sweet and don’t water down their customer service but after sending videos of the problem they said that is just how amps sound.
Really insulting. I have been playing since 1967 and have had and still have several tube amps that do not make the noises like my DGT 15 does.
Those of you who have this amp does your amp do this?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to answer.
PRS will stand behind their product even if the yahoos at Sweetwater don't know diddly about amps.

I'd check the tubes as first resort, but if that's not the cause, I'd contact PRS Customer Service.
Tube Issue But I Would Return The Amp And Start Fresh If Possible.
I bought this amp in JUNE 24’ because it sounded pretty good, was inexpensive and most importantly, didnt have to be jet engine loud. I was immediately concerned with the THUMP when you turn it off… but it appears others have had this problem. (So I can stop worrying about that). BUT This amp has probably been on 3-4 gigs. A few days ago, in the practice studio, it began to fizz on high notes. (Notably at the 12th fret) THis is usually a tube thing… but I cant find it. The vendor (Guitar Sanctuary) has really been helpful. Ive done all the troubleshooting I can, tubes cabinets… ect. If I can’t figure this out, Ill ship it to PRS. I suspect, once its fixed, Ill sell it. I can’t have an amp that malfunctions at 2 months. I wont trust it.
I bought this amp in JUNE 24’ because it sounded pretty good, was inexpensive and most importantly, didnt have to be jet engine loud. I was immediately concerned with the THUMP when you turn it off… but it appears others have had this problem. (So I can stop worrying about that). BUT This amp has probably been on 3-4 gigs. A few days ago, in the practice studio, it began to fizz on high notes. (Notably at the 12th fret) THis is usually a tube thing… but I cant find it. The vendor (Guitar Sanctuary) has really been helpful. Ive done all the troubleshooting I can, tubes cabinets… ect. If I can’t figure this out, Ill ship it to PRS. I suspect, once its fixed, Ill sell it. I can’t have an amp that malfunctions at 2 months. I wont trust it.
Tube Issue, Not An Amp Issue.
I can’t have an amp that malfunctions at 2 months. I wont trust it.

I feel the same way. If a piece of gear malfunctions unpredictably in my studio, it's gone. The last thing I want to do is make excuses to a client working under an ad deadline that an important piece of equipment broke down.

Quality may be initially more expensive, but it usually lasts.

Most of my gear, including 3 of my 4 amps, has been here for more than a decade without issue, and the stuff that's lasted was all US or UK made.