DG30 Clean Setup

Wow, even if that is mere myth, you just made my day! Fascinating to hear that yours is from that run as well, small amp world. What # is yours? Mine’s #16. The seller pulled the Brimars to preserve them when he purchased it from the original owner and put in JJs. I assume the Brimars went in V1 and the PI (V4?), correct?

I’ll more than likely take you up on your offer when she arrives. Thanks!
Wow, even if that is mere myth, you just made my day! Fascinating to hear that yours is from that run as well, small amp world. What # is yours? Mine’s #16. The seller pulled the Brimars to preserve them when he purchased it from the original owner and put in JJs. I assume the Brimars went in V1 and the PI (V4?), correct?

I’ll more than likely take you up on your offer when she arrives. Thanks!
Actually, I think the Brimars went in V1 and V3, and a JJ went in the PI. I should have taken notes, haven't opened up the amp in a long time, and now I'm not allowed to lift anything, so I can't now.

Near as I can tell, it's #10.
Wow, even if that is mere myth, you just made my day!
I forgot to mention, not myth!

I got it direct from Doug Sewell himself, the guy who designs the amps for PRS, at the 30th Anniversary PRS event in 2015. He also mentioned that of all the CAD amps, it was the most involved to build in the shop. I didn't ask why; I don't know enough about amp innards to have understood which thingamabob or feature made it more involved.
Actually, I think the Brimars went in V1 and V3, and a JJ went in the PI. I should have taken notes, haven't opened up the amp in a long time, and now I'm not allowed to lift anything, so I can't now.

Near as I can tell, it's #10.
Thanks for the info! The amp gets here today. I’ll try it w the JJs before I swap the Brimars back in. Still a bit confused as to where they go however. PRS has some conflicting information posted regarding this:

DG30 Tube chart link

Tube list (pg. 3) from DG30/50 manual link

The tube chart has the reverb driver 12AT7 in V3 but the manual has it in V2. So I’m still wondering where the two Brimars were originally installed and also which of PRS’s documents are accurate.
Any others out there have any ideas?
This post was in limbo for a few days, odd. Maybe bc it had links and I’m still a newb member. Anyway, here’s the text wo the links which are easily found on the PRS support page:

“Thanks for the info! The amp gets here today. I’ll try it w the JJs before I swap the Brimars back in. Still a bit confused as to where they go however. PRS has some conflicting information posted regarding this:

DG30 Tube chart link

Tube list (pg. 3) from DG30/50 manual link

The tube chart has the reverb driver 12AT7 in V3 but the manual has it in V2. So I’m still wondering where the two Brimars were originally installed and also which of PRS’s documents are accurate.
Any others out there have any ideas?”

So, while waiting here’s what I’ve found out. Because the guy o bought the amp from ever so thoughtfully removed and labeled the tubes before shipping, and bc of the proximity to the reverb transformer I’ve determined that the 12AT7 belongs in V3. Therefore the above tube chart is correct but the manual is wrong. Maybe PRS can update the pdf.

I put in the non-NOS tubes the last owner was running and they are very nice. Mullard, Sovtek and JJs. I’ll put in the NOS and original Brimars soon enough I’m sure.

I was very tempted to purchase the matching cab but already have a Bogner pine 2 x 12” with a Greenback and G12H that is my go to. I can already tell that they’re a good match.

I’m still digging in but this thing is a glorious tone machine! Just today got around to using some drive pedals and it eats them up. Reigns in the volume a bit as well. So far the Jetter and OCD (duh!) both get this monster properly singing. Even clean notes want to bloom into feedback. I’ll try to get some clips up soon. Loving it so far and it is physically impressive as well.
PRS has some conflicting information posted regarding this:

DG30 Tube chart link

Tube list (pg. 3) from DG30/50 manual link
You're right!

There's a conflict and I never noticed it (I left the 12AT7 in whatever socket the factory installed mine in and haven't needed to replace it). I don't remember which socket it was, however. Now I'm curious.

It would guess it'd be v3 since that's the one closest to the reverb transformer, but I might email PRS and see if that's correct.
Ask them about where the Brimars go also if you do!
I just sent a request. I have an NOS Mullard 12AT7, and I've been thinking of installing it, so I'd like to get it in the right location.

I didn't ask about the Brimars, but mine are in v1 and either v2 or v3. I'm certain that v4 (phase inverter) in my amp is the JJ 803 S. I had a couple of extra Brimars and tried swapping the JJ for a Brimar after I got the amp, but it resulted in a noticeable reduction in gain, so I reinstalled the JJ.

Of course, that doesn't mean I got it right, but...the amp does sound a bit more like Grissom's demos with the 803 S in v4.
This post was in limbo for a few days, odd. Maybe bc it had links and I’m still a newb member. Anyway, here’s the text wo the links which are easily found on the PRS support page:

“Thanks for the info! The amp gets here today. I’ll try it w the JJs before I swap the Brimars back in. Still a bit confused as to where they go however. PRS has some conflicting information posted regarding this:

DG30 Tube chart link

Tube list (pg. 3) from DG30/50 manual link

The tube chart has the reverb driver 12AT7 in V3 but the manual has it in V2. So I’m still wondering where the two Brimars were originally installed and also which of PRS’s documents are accurate.
Any others out there have any ideas?”

So, while waiting here’s what I’ve found out. Because the guy o bought the amp from ever so thoughtfully removed and labeled the tubes before shipping, and bc of the proximity to the reverb transformer I’ve determined that the 12AT7 belongs in V3. Therefore the above tube chart is correct but the manual is wrong. Maybe PRS can update the pdf.

I put in the non-NOS tubes the last owner was running and they are very nice. Mullard, Sovtek and JJs. I’ll put in the NOS and original Brimars soon enough I’m sure.

I was very tempted to purchase the matching cab but already have a Bogner pine 2 x 12” with a Greenback and G12H that is my go to. I can already tell that they’re a good match.

I’m still digging in but this thing is a glorious tone machine! Just today got around to using some drive pedals and it eats them up. Reigns in the volume a bit as well. So far the Jetter and OCD (duh!) both get this monster properly singing. Even clean notes want to bloom into feedback. I’ll try to get some clips up soon. Loving it so far and it is physically impressive as well.
I heard back from PRS and they sent a new tube chart.

The manual was correct, the original tube chart was not. The corrected tube chart that was sent (thanks, Bindu!) shows the following:

V1: Input, 12AX7

V2: Reverb Driver, 12AT7

V3: Reverb Recovery, 12AX7

V4: Phase Inverter, 12AX7
Interesting! Thanks for following up on this Laszlo. I've been waiting to hear back before playing the amp.
I just swapped tubes into the correct spots and it quieted down the reverb decay and brought back some sweet gain to the amp that I hadn't heard yet. Very nice indeed! The BOOST setting now sounds much better as well. I believe the misplaced tubes were messing with that the most. All now seems Right With The World!!
Cheers Laszlo and Bindu 🥂
I just swapped tubes into the correct spots and it quieted down the reverb decay and brought back some sweet gain to the amp that I hadn't heard yet. Very nice indeed! The BOOST setting now sounds much better as well. I believe the misplaced tubes were messing with that the most. All now seems Right With The World!!
Cheers Laszlo and Bindu 🥂

Now when I install that NOS Mullard 12AT7 I've been saving it'll be confident about it being in the right position!