Lol, wut? I get there at the same time but I'm from the last train station? What does that even mean? Ok...speak to me like I'm dumb, can you clarify that point.
Ah yes...Airy's failure. Do you know what the point of the experiment was? So, way back in the nineteenth century, one of the prevailing concepts of cosmology was that space was filled with a substance called aether. Basically, it's a theoretical fluid encompassing the Earth. George Biddel Airy's test ,and the subsequent Michelson-Morely experiments, was attempting to show it's existence by trying to find the movement of the Earth...through the aether. He was looking for a "drag" in the fluid, sort of like when you drag a fishing line through a pond and the ripples it makes as it drags some water. This is a very superficial explanation of the experiment for brevity and simplicity, but...
He failed.
The failure of these experiments suggested the earth was not moving....through an aether fluid. That's the part every flat earth YouTube channel or "independent researcher" omits and Im convinced it's out of malice to con you. If you don't believe me CCR, go look at the experiments, and see what they were testing for. Also, none of the people involved with these experiments thought the Earth was flat. Airy believed the Earth was a sphere and revolved around the Sun.
I'm also fully aware of Malcolm Bowden and his videos. Its a lot to go into as far as debunking him and explaining why he's incompetent, but it has already been done by better minds than me, and suffice to say...he's a stupid twatwaffle and smells of elderberries.