Delphi, we have a problem.

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I also find it super interesting how someone can think people are dumb for believing and going to bat for flat earth and immediately follow with MSM Covid jargon talking points. If you believe the earth is round and rotating in space full points to you, but you lose them all when you think 2 weeks would flatten the curve or that masks and lockdowns were for the greater good. You’re too indoctrinated in official narrative to ever deviate. So indoctrinated that the powers that be could lie directly to your face, admit that lie, and retain full adulation despite lies.

Also astonishing to see the liberal left in the west become so authoritarian and pro life establishment after years trying to paint their political opposition with the same brush. Jesus Christ was the most famous anti-authoritarian that ever lived and the people that associated with anti authority want nothing to do with his teachings.

We are truly living in the age where mankind learns that science and religion are so close that extremists of both almost seem identical to the balanced ones in the middle. I do believe this discussion is relevant because it ties into how others have already mentioned we are becoming this way because of the internet and its unregulated access. It’s the same phenomenon that results in the debate over “tone-woods”. All the science in the world can’t convince a mind that is indoctrinated religiously or politically (because politics is religion except the god is mortal)
Man, I went to bed last night, and just got back to this thread. I missed 3 pages overnight! I gotta get me some more

Well the PRS guitar evolved from the Strat and Les Paul. It's all in the fossil records. It happened over billions of years! Before that they evolved from Ukuleles. Why are there still Ukuleles then? Because they didn't feel like evolving, that's why.
The obvious explanation is that god planted the Les Pauls and Strats so that our faith could be tested
I think we could all use a class in logic. Otherwise someone soon is going to suggest we start burning people at the stake again.

Guys, if you use your phone to get where you’re going, the world is round.

if Russia can send nukes at us from East and West, the world is round.

I have no problem if the chinese or indians faked a landing if their astronauts failed to make it. But I honor our astronauts who didnt make it, instead of suggesting a hoax.

Finally, faith and science can coexist. God forbid my daughter ever gets really sick, but you will find me praying and seeking out the best doctor in the country.
Ok, so I've had a revelation today.

I woke up this morning...sun was shining, bums peeing on the sidewalk, birds doing each other in the trees and letting all of us know about it, squirrels off to find their nuts....a perfect Sunday morning. I looked into the sun for two hours, until the LSD wore off, and I realized...

It's true...

The Earth is not only's a pizza.

I am reborn on this cheesy, gently toasted earth. See...the Man has put the truth in front of our eyes but we are too devoted to our science gods to see it. They call the surface of the Earth "The Crust" for a reason. The oceans only look blue, but BLUE rhymes with RAGU, that's why it's salty. CCR...I was wrong. IVE SEEN THE TROOF AND ITS FLAT AND DELICIOUS. ITS ALL CONNECTED!

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Anything is possible. We live in a world where virtue signalling politicians will call people white supremacists for not taking a vaccine and then turn around and invite nazis to parliament. Thank god the science is settled though.
I Wonder If Those So Quick To Dismiss And Discredit Will Be Just As Quick To Admit They Were Wrong?
Ok, so I've had a revelation today.

I woke up this morning...sun was shining, bums peeing on the sidewalk, birds doing each other in the trees and letting all of us know about it, squirrels off to find their nuts....a perfect Sunday morning. I looked into the sun for two hours, until the LSD wore off, and I realized...

It's true...

The Earth is not only's a pizza.

I am reborn on this cheesy, gently toasted earth. See...the Man has put the truth in front of our eyes but we are too devoted to our science gods to see it. They call the surface of the Earth "The Crust" for a reason. The oceans only look blue, but BLUE rhymes with RAGU, that's why it's salty. CCR...I was wrong. IVE SEEN THE TROOF AND ITS FLAT AND DELICIOUS. ITS ALL CONNECTED!

Now I'm hungry...
Ok, so I've had a revelation today.

I woke up this morning...sun was shining, bums peeing on the sidewalk, birds doing each other in the trees and letting all of us know about it, squirrels off to find their nuts....a perfect Sunday morning. I looked into the sun for two hours, until the LSD wore off, and I realized...

It's true...

The Earth is not only's a pizza.

I am reborn on this cheesy, gently toasted earth. See...the Man has put the truth in front of our eyes but we are too devoted to our science gods to see it. They call the surface of the Earth "The Crust" for a reason. The oceans only look blue, but BLUE rhymes with RAGU, that's why it's salty. CCR...I was wrong. IVE SEEN THE TROOF AND ITS FLAT AND DELICIOUS. ITS ALL CONNECTED!

Good, I want some.
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