December Brag


New Member
Sep 18, 2012
New England
For all of you admiring December's calender photo (PRS's, not Playboys's), that's my guitar Paul and company threw together for me.

Whoo Hoo for me.

I know, I can be shameless AND tacky all at the same time (something my long-suffering wife points out to me regularly).

Now if only Santa could leave me Davy Knowles chops so I could do Miss December 2013 justice.

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tough choice between your purdy guitar and Kennedy Summers...

That color is really growing on me the more I stare at it, I'm considering that for my next PS build.
A PS that I had briefly (and still miss) is on the calendar this year, and when I saw it in the email I received from PRS I got a little misty-eyed. :( If I had more money I'd love to bring that one back as it seems they managed to get the nitro issue on the neck resolved on the third attempt. That was seriously one of THE nicest maple tops and finishes I've ever seen... just honestly breathtaking. :o


Ugh!!! It was possibly THE best Jade Glow finish I've seen to date, the stain is JUST RIGHT!!! Brb, need to go grab some lotto tickets.... ;)