Dealer Left Polish Swirls - What to do/ How to Fix


New Member
May 10, 2024
Good Afternoon,

I'm looking for some opinions/ advice. I recently purchased a relatively expensive Custom 24 Wood Library from a well respected dealer that came with a free PLEK service. The guitar was more or less immaculate when I bought it, and still was when I dropped it off to be PLEK'd. The actual setup went great... but when I picked it up the top was covered in these tiny polish swirls (the ones you can only see if you hold it just right). I took some pictures for reference.

My 3 part question is:
1) Am I just being anal about these? I know they're tiny and hard to see... but they weren't there when I dropped it off.
2) If I'm not being ridiculous, how should I approach the dealer about this?
3) What's the consensus best method for removing these myself? Forum research says Meguiar's Scratch-X and Virtuoso Polish. Is that going to work here?

I appreciate any feedback, thanks.
You’re not being anal, if it bothers you then it’s an issue regardless of what others think. You’re the one with skin in the game. How to approach the dealer is very simple, ask them the same questions and be nice there’s no reason at this point not to keep them as an active partner in the deal. I’m sure they appreciate your patronage and will make it right. If you do it yourself then you took them out of the loop and now “you own it”. Just my .002
Virtuoso polish will also do a great job. They make two strengths, but for those swirl marks, the lighter polish should work well.

Use a soft, clean microfiber cloth; I find these don't scratch the finish (BTW, even soft cotton will leave marks, but good microfiber won't). I use thsse:

Use light strokes, no need to press to hard, let the polish do the work.
I would not try to correct the issues myself, for if it doesn't achieve the fix you like they will say you should have brought it in. I would insist they send it to PRS to be repaired properly by them and you are off the hook. If they don't want to send it in for you insist on returning it for a full refund. Good luck, I feel for you on this.