Danny Kortchmar on Roland Blues cube

While I know FOR SURE we don't all here things the same or with the same ability, there is also the educational side of it... you don't know how good something can sound until you've heard something sound that good. I experienced this multiple times in the past when I was into "affordable" high end audio. I'd have buddies swear they had a better stereo than me because they had JBL or other name brand stuff. Then they'd hear my stereo and their jaws would drop. They'd never really heard anything close to that level of transparency, but what always knocked them out was imaging. The ability to sit in the dark listing and SWEAR that singer is right "there" and the drums right "there and... even though they weren't pointing anywhere near the speakers. That is the one that shocked people who haven't heard it.

Point being, before they heard mine, theirs WAS the best they'd heard. And in todays world, they'd be on the internet recommending everybody buy what they had because it was the best. Then they experienced a couple levels better and the bar was moved. Their "reality" changed. What they "knew" in the past, was now wrong.
While I know FOR SURE we don't all here things the same or with the same ability, there is also the educational side of it... you don't know how good something can sound until you've heard something sound that good. I experienced this multiple times in the past when I was into "affordable" high end audio. I'd have buddies swear they had a better stereo than me because they had JBL or other name brand stuff. Then they'd hear my stereo and their jaws would drop. They'd never really heard anything close to that level of transparency, but what always knocked them out was imaging. The ability to sit in the dark listing and SWEAR that singer is right "there" and the drums right "there and... even though they weren't pointing anywhere near the speakers. That is the one that shocked people who haven't heard it.

Point being, before they heard mine, theirs WAS the best they'd heard. And in todays world, they'd be on the internet recommending everybody buy what they had because it was the best. Then they experienced a couple levels better and the bar was moved. Their "reality" changed. What they "knew" in the past, was now wrong.

IIRC, the reason each of our abilities to hear is different is because of the sinuses in our heads and ear canals. What sounds good to one person may not to the next, simply because our bone structure varies from person to person. Some of us have thick skulls (yep). Others have bigger sinus cavities. You'll see the humor in a minute. Even people with different-sized teeth hear differently, because their bone structure causes a variety of resonation.

Thankfully, I don't have bunny ears or big incisors. What I hear is subjective because what you hear differs from what everyone else hears.
Yes, I had hear that before about the differences in our skull resonance. Here's a quick test you can do to tell.

No thanks. I need to search my computer for sports highlights and see what people who exercise do. (Sorry, I didn't order the pizza, sir)