Dallas Guitar Show


Thread killer
Apr 26, 2012
Fayettenam KY
is only a few months away...

I still have my tee shirt from 2007... a PRS tee with schematics and Dallas 2007 on it. That year PRS did a special run of guitars, CU22's with McSwitching, in three new/unique opaque colors with natural backs. I almost scored one of the champagne colored ones not long after the show.

I thought that was a really nice run - any plans to return to commemorative tee shirts or a new run of Dallas guitars? I know there was a Dallas shoot out run of McCarty's, but they were similar looking to any production McCarty, just with a note on the back of the headstock.

Maybe you could do a run similar to '07... :beer:

natural back, trem, hybrid hardware and 57/08's or 408's - 24.5 scale... :star:
I went a couple years ago. Johnny Highland put on a few clinics and we had a nice little signature club meet and greet.

Is PRS going to have a significant presence this year?
I've had some great times at the Dallas guitar show ... many with Mike. However ... I feel differently about both the opaque guitars and the Dallas Shootouts from Mike. A limited show run would be cool though. I like them numbered ...