I'm almost never purchasing with credit cards, I prefer to use money I actually have. That of course limits my spending. So I'm usually going to buy from where I can get the best deal when it's all said and done. When it comes to guitars, at least with translucent finishes on PRS, it rarely comes down to that because I usually want a specific guitar. Most of the time I'm stretching my budget to some extent anyway on a major purchase, so if I can save myself $, I will. $3000 or $3120? $120 can put food on my table or strings on that guitar, etc.
The fear that I have is that the smaller business guy who's trying to give a solid deal will suffer without charging the fee and eventually go out of business. There are a ton of great points and sides to the thread. It's funny, I remember a time when paying in cash might get you a slightly better deal. Maybe we should go back to that way of thinking? If cash/check/debit = less fees...?
Great thread Jack.