Christmas NGD, 1st PRS


New Member
Dec 7, 2019
I was finally allowed to open the box CE 24 Semi Hollow Blue Smokeburst.

Merry Christmas and welcome to this family!
I was wondering awhile back on how the would neck feel. Definitely more a Fender shape, kinda like the modern C but slightly thinner from front to back. It feels a bit bulkier than the Gibson 60's thin. I think the fretboard is also slightly wider than both Gidson and Fender or at least it feels that way.

I was hearding the pattern thin is basically the wide thin profile, and I think that is an accurate description.

Of course I cut myself mildly, right near the tip of my left middle finger cooking last night. Just enough to make it uncomfortable to really play.
Congrats! But how did your Christmas lights turn out? ;)
I gave up on the net lights. Just replaced them last year did not have the time or desire to spend the money again.