Change to the Multi-Fit Case neck support


Jan 19, 2013
My old case had a broken latch so I ordered the Standard Multi-Fit case (not the new ATA). The Neck Cradle is no longer there but just a square piece of foam. The upper neck by the headstock now sits up above the foam until the case is closed, then it's smashed down..... I see the new PRS guitars are shipping in these cases though. Do you consider this enough of an issue to return the case?
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I'll just keep it and hope it forms to the guitar..... "Considering all new PRS are shipping with these"

If it is like mine, the neck cradle isnt really needed.
The foam fits the body tight enough to prevent it from shifting so the neck isnt moving
The foam in the top of the case pushes the neck down into the foam block and holds the neck securely
it is tight enough that the impression of the strings and even a pick in the strings is left in the top of the case
My guitars do not move inside the case
Ok, yeah I see now...

Yeah, I'm not sure it's anything new, per se. I have several cases that have the two different types of support.

My 2018 WL Custom 24 came with a black paisley case with the support you're describing...large chunk of foam under the neck.

My 2018 WL Custom 24 Piezo has a brown paisley case with the two-sectioned neck support setup we usually see.

My 2024 WL Custom 24 has a case identical to the 2018.

My 2022 WL Custom 24 came with a black tolex case with the large foam block under the neck like my black paisley cases (only in black, not blue...and also felt, opposed to plush). I wanted a brown paisley case for it, so I bought one online and it has the two-sectioned neck support like my 2018 WL CU24P. Oddly, the latches on the brown paisley I bought separate are in slightly different locations than my other cases, core included.

All my core guitars have the black tolex, two-sectioned neck support system we usually see.

I've always been curious about the differences between the cases and why they're there.
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