CE question


Where is that speedo pic
Nov 4, 2012
washington iowa
Ok, I just checked prs website and my CE is a 1997 so.......will phaseII tuners fit? I understand I may have to drill new screw holes but that's ok as its been around the block a few times.

Need help from the experts on this forum.
From my understanding, as long as they are the tuners with the winged collars, and don't have the shared D+G tuner screw, Phase II's should work. I could be wrong though. This question would apply to my new McCarty Trem so would anyone care to verify this?
Phase II's will work for both of you guys, with the whole hole drilling thing taken into consideration.
FYI-I don't like the gear ratio of the winged tuners either.

Agreed. That's why I changed the tuners on my 1997 CE and replaced them with Phase IIs. My winged tuners had the shared D&G screw. I just needed to drill 6 holes for the new tuners and they fit, no problem.