I'll be that guy that says don't do any mods to your new guitar. Why? Because sometimes mods change things but don't make them better; sometimes they make things worse; unfortunately it's a roll of the dice with your particular instrument, your ears, and your set of expectations. I get that most folks come on here to encourage each other to do mods and buy more stuff, but man PRS makes a great guitar. Can't imagine needing to change anything right away, unless there's a voice in your head that won't shut up and let you play music until you customize it. Of course I have that voice too, and it's my experience that when I silence that voice I play and write A LOT more music which is really the point of all this. Deep in the music, I don't care that I never tried out different brands of tremolo springs or that the neck pickup is slightly out of balance with the bridge pickup. I just create and play, and I stop thinking, which is a beautiful thing. Anyways, your life, your money, your time. Mod everything!