Bought a 'new' McCarty today - Pics!


New Member
Jun 22, 2013
Bought that 'new' McCarty today. I say 'new' because though it's never had an owner it's actually an older PRS (new-old-stock you might say). There were two available. Not sure why they've been sat in stock for so long but mine's totally unmarked like it's never seen the light of day. I thought it sounded wonderful I have to say and I love the wide-fat neck.

For a moment there I was looking at a second-hand, 2012 Les Paul Deluxe I'd seen for sale online. However, concerns about the risk of a laminated rosewood fretboard (been seen even on some VOS Gibsons) and the whole 'chambered' body thing put me off. Did pick up new a Les Paul Standard whilst in the shop trying out this McCarty. Couldn't believe how light it was.

Just in case anybody's interested, the original tag price on the guitar was NZ$4,000 (we pay quite a premium for living down here so don't wince - that's just how it is). I got it for half that (so, about USD $1,550).
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You absolutely lucked out! The McCarty trems were always hard to find, and in mahogany with Soapbars? That's just so cool.

Great model.
Cheers chaps. And, if it's not too vulgar, here's the collection so far:

I'd just like to add that I love my wife. :-)
Wow, that's a rare one indeed, a McCarty Standard trem is something I haven't seen before, let alone with P-90s. Add the fact that it's 15 years old, that's just nuts.
I came back to see this again because I am lusting after a set of my very own P90's...attached to a PRS of course.
nice score! are you on the "new guitar every fortnight" plan?

Don't even ask.... Actually have an online purchase landing today. It's a Godin I couldn't refuse because it was so cheap. No idea what it'll be like but it's a single pickup EMG Strat-type thing so whatever it's like, it'll be a contrast to the others. Might make a nice basis for a project. 15" radius board and 24 3/4 scale length.

Still want a nice goldtop LP truth be told. Think it'll have to be for my 50th.
Are those ph2 tuners???? Wth??????? What's up?

Don't know what PH2 tuners are sorry. They're the ones with the strange bits sticking out (that's the technical term). I've not had to restring it yet so have to do some research.