Corey, here's my attempt at playing the intro solo to Santana's cover of "Black Magic Woman." I have never shot a video before today. I am embarrassed to admit how long it took me to shoot this video. It is very difficult to get everything right (lighting is very important). Chris (a.k.a. "Video Boy") makes it look so easy. My version is not note-for-note perfect, and there are a few timing and intonation issues; however, it's close enough that most people will not be able to tell the difference. The intro solo to "Black Magic Woman" is such an iconic solo that one has to hit all of the key phrases. While the first note that is struck is F, the song and the intro solo are in D Aeolian (a.k.a. D natural minor). F major is the relative major of D natural minor. Hopefully, I will get the opportunity to break the solo into phrases sometime in the near future.
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