Bite Your Tongue!


Master Of The Universe (Emeritus)
Apr 26, 2012
Michigan I was at my local GC picking up another SM57 (always useful to have several!). And as I was paying at the register, the salesman, who knows me and my son well from coming in over quite a few years asked, "How's Jamie doing?"

I said, "Great, in fact he just started a European tour with 30 Seconds to Mars!"

And a goofy young guy behind the counter at the next register sniped in a really sarcastic voice, "Thirty Seconds to Mars??? They're still even a baaaand?"

I'm sure that steam must have come out of my ears, but I just smiled.

What I wanted to say was...

"They're gigging a festival tonight in front of tens of thousands of people in Ireland, what are your plans Zitface?"

But I bit my own tongue, and what I actually said was,

"Yeah, they're touring behind their new record and they asked my son to join the tour."

I spent the drive home thinking of equally pointed remarks.

"What I shoulda said was..." "Gosh I should have told that guy..." "Grrrr...."

Hahaha. I had to post this. You guys know how I am, it was really difficult reining in my sarcasm.
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I would have said a bunch of things I can't post here....what a ........

You know me Bob, I really wanted to get in this guy's face, but for some unfathomable reason I decided, "nah, not worth the effort."

Then I stewed about it the whole way home!! Haha. I should never hold back.

Um...unless the guy is a lot bigger than I am. He wasn't.
Generally I find people cant be happy for other peoples success and try and break them down to make themselves feel better. At the end of the day your son is touring with a band that has sold around 10 million albums and has at least a few number one hits. in my books that's AWESOME!
Whether you had torn him a new one or not, nothing will change. Jamie is still where Jamie is. Zit-face is still where Zit-face is.

So... why waste the brain cells?
I think empathy is slowly disappearing from our culture. It should have been obvious to him that you are a proud father and even if he isn't a fan of 30STM, he could show some respect for your feelings. Like all the a$$holes who miss their turn on the highway and decide to U turn

in traffic or back up to the exit ramp. They're too self-absorbed to even consider the people around them. Zit face is bitter in his own little world.

What you said was fine, although I might of started it with, "Well, I'm sure it doesn't compare to a Saturday night at GC, but...." Since everybody is bigger than me, I've learned to insult people with a smile on my face.
It's funny. I relate to what my son is doing, maybe 'cause I'm in a segment of the business myself, maybe 'cause I know how freaking hard it is to get gigs like the ones he gets.

So I'm sure I brag about him way more than I should. Honestly, I'm genuinely excited about what he has been doing.

Maybe my realization of that fact made me think I'd just be "that guy" even more than usual if I gave him a hard time. I dunno.

I've spoken at his University a few times about what I do (this after he graduated), and I've guest lectured at their "Business of Music" class, so I became friendly with his former Dean. She told me she's so excited about what he's been up to that she posted it on Facebook!

Thank goodness his mom and I are not the only ones! ;)
That's why I rarely go to Guitar Center. They've got too many guys like that working for 'em. You can figure that Zitface probably won't have his job too long--idiots like that usually get fired (or quit) pretty early. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys...
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;76778 said:
Whether you had torn him a new one or not, nothing will change. Jamie is still where Jamie is. Zit-face is still where Zit-face is.

So... why waste the brain cells?

I agree with that...It's also a good way to keep your nose attached to your face !!!
That's why I rarely go to Guitar Center. They've got too many guys like that working for 'em. You can figure that Zitface probably won't have his job too long--idiots like that usually get fired (or quit) pretty early. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys...

Well, they do have really nice, knowledgeable people working there, too. Retail's a hard business. The folks who do it have to take a lot of guff.
I think empathy is slowly disappearing from our culture. It should have been obvious to him that you are a proud father and even if he isn't a fan of 30STM, he could show some respect for your feelings. Like all the a$$holes who miss their turn on the highway and decide to U turn

in traffic or back up to the exit ramp. They're too self-absorbed to even consider the people around them.

I am just sick to death of how many people I have observed recently be rude for no darn good reason...I normally agree with the be courteous to your fellow person...however sometimes I find some people's audacity and lack of couth intolerable.

(One caveat...I watched another person tonight bring a waitress who had just started virtually to tears...absolutely unacceptable...the lack of tolerance I witnessed)

I'm generally an optimist but I have to agree with you. I do still witness the good side of humanity or regular occasions but the amount of selfishness on display these days is astounding. It's become a 'ME' culture. rare you get a please or thankyou or anything approaching a smile from someone under 30 in a shop these days. Admittedly the jobs are poorly paid and they know they'll move on, but... A couple of words and the slight movement of facial muscles works wonders!!!

That's why I rarely go to Guitar Center. They've got too many guys like that working for 'em. You can figure that Zitface probably won't have his job too long--idiots like that usually get fired (or quit) pretty early. You pay peanuts, you get monkeys...

This! ^^ I hate going to large music stores - always have. There are some good ones but more often than not I'm glad to get out of them. The smaller independent ones are more willing to give good advice and bend over backwards for you.