Bill Haggerty (Wilerty)


Zombie Zero, DFZ
Aug 1, 1985
You will never be forgotten, brother Bill. Not ever.









I met Bill at the Dallas Guitar show several years ago. After that first year, we met at the show every year, although he wasn't able to attend the last couple of years.

Bill lost his brother not too long ago to head/neck cancer. In a bizarre coincidence, as a head/neck cancer survivor - Bill's brother Jim and I shared the same team of oncololgists, radiologists, etc. I was with Bill and Jim at Jim's last chemo session. We all visited Guitar Sanctuary afterward (pic above is from a previous Dallas visit to GC in North Dallas).

I will miss him terribly.
I just found out... How sad. I had the pleasure of hanging with Bill on a few occasions over the last 2 years, and his genuine friendliness, enthusiasm, and passion for guitars just instantly made me feel like a friend. He was a kind person, and I wish I had the pleasure of spending more time with him. What a cool dude. This is heartbreaking news. <sigh>

To those of you that were closer to him than I was, I am truly sorry for your loss of your good friend. I know he was special to you guys, and my heart hurts for your loss as well. What an awful shame. He was SUCH a good dude.

Rest In Peace, Bill. You have so many friends here and in the community that will truly miss you.
I only knew Bill via the forums, but he was always great about everything. Saddened.
Man, Experience is never going to be the same. Bill was a guy who had truly achieved a high level of wisdom in his lifetime.
After finally meeting him, at every Experience he would seem to find me first to say hello. I'm going to miss talking to Bill.
ouch. that hurts.

RIP, buddy. i'll miss you at Experience this year but i promise to buy a guitar that you'd approve of! :bawling:
So, so sad to hear of Bills passing.
He was a kind and gentle soul!
The world is a little less without Bill.
I only had a few e-conversations with Bill back in the old days... He seemed like a genuine sweetheart of a guy. I regret we will never get the chance to meet him face to face...

I hope his friends and family can find comfort in this difficult time.

May he Rest in Piece...