Betty got made over..( just a bit)


Nov 3, 2019
Nashville Tn
As some may know one of my favorite guitars is my plain ole S2 Standard, “Ole Black Betty”. Except she isn’t so plain anymore..

Decked trem, SD Pearly Gates, new pic guard (black,red,black), and Black Stainless P/U covers with 49.2mm pole spacing from Philadelphia Luthier. ( I give them 5 stars!!!!!!!) interesting process changing covers, as it was my first time. Plays, sounds and I think she looks awesome!!
bam a lam
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Yep that pickguard is fire.

Can PRS bridges be safely decked? I thought the hidden knife edge could damage the guitar, but then again you may not use the tremolo at all.
This was a bit of an experiment for me. I bought a beautiful 2014 Mira and it came with 9s and never thought I would like just how well it played and sounds, so I thought I would try 9s on Betty…. Nope……. She don’t like it, too buzzy and just not “ right” …( the feel)
Surgery performed, 10s back on her and she has a ” tude”..once again!! What a hell of a bargain for a fantastic instrument!!