Bernie Marsden SE in Black?


New Member
Aug 8, 2013
I see on Ebay there is a new Black Bernie Marsden SE for sale. Can somoene from PRS confirm if this is a limited color run or permanent color option? Either way the guitar looks great and I might have just found my new axe. I love the neck binding and the 3 knob setup. Thanks.
I think that's a negatory on that one. When I bought my Marsden, I was told it only came in one color since the model is supposed to replicate his LP:The Beast.
Upon further research Sam Ash is showing Black as a color option for the Bernie Marsden SE. So I assume its legit. Clarification from PRS would be great. Thanks.
Well I'll be damned...

Now if they'd offer the Tremonti SE Custom in some other colors....
I saw Mr Marsden give a PRS demo at Dawsons in Reading a few weeks ago. They also had one of his Gibson Beast models (which I played but thankfully was not charged for - it costs £5799!).
His playing was sublime- and on a stock SE model of his own with the price tag still on! He was using a Marshall 1974x I think.
I asked him and the PRS rep if they came in black. The rep said no. Bernie said he'd seen one on the net but he only liked the beautiful tops on his signature SE.
Anyway, long story short, yesterday my delicious black Bernie Marsden SE turned up from Tunnel Vision music in Utah. It is a stunner to look at. Great to hold and play, and it sounds fantastic. The quality is just amazing for the price. I have always thought PRS guitars were beautiful but this heavyweight fat neck beauty has ticked every box for me.