Update here - got the MDT on Saturday. Terrific amp! Very much as a remember it, similar to the HXDA but a little more modern and a little more gain and saturation. For me it felt like it had a little too much overlap with the HXDA. Without the Ox Box, the HXDA didn't have quite enough gain versus the MDT (or the Blistertone). With the Ox Box and the ability to dime the MV on the HXDA and have reasonable volumes, there is plenty of gain on tap now. So I returned the MDT today.
The MDT has a sweet spot of tone that is to die for, that "one tone" that you see in Paul's demos, that is killer for riffs, rhythms and leads, more saturated than the HXDA wants to be, but not overly saturated like a lot of the more modern amps can get.
There was a nostalgic reason I felt I should get an MDT. In 2012, I went to the PRS Factory to spec my first personally spec'ed Private Stock. That evening, after an awesome dinner with Paul and the PRS team (and Eric C from Willcutt Guitars), we went over to Paul's Studio and checked out the amps. He had a 100W head that was basically in the development chain of the Sewell/MDT that we played that night. He handed me his Paul's Guitar Private Stock, his personal guitar at the time, and asked me to check it out, and then left for a bit. The cab was below us in the garage a (2x12, I believe), and the door was cracked to allow the sound to barrel up the stairs at us, it was dimed. It was pretty surreal, it sounded absolutely amazing, and also was a cool experience. I was sitting at the top of the stairs jamming out some riffs and noodling some leads enjoying the amazing tone, when I felt a presence behind me - Paul had come back and was standing behind me just listening and watching, I don't know how long he was there for. He gave me a nod and then walked back into the Studio to talk to Eric.
So for me there is a connection between the MDT and that great night at Paul's studio. But no worries, I discovered I don't really need an MDT, I am extremely happy with my 30W HXDA.
I got a bunch more time in over the weekend with the HXDA and the 594 collection - wow, really an amazing amp when you can dial in whatever settings on the MV and the HXDA Gain and Bass Gain, and separately control the volume, with the Ox Box.
This is now my favorite amp!!