At what point.....


Rockin that Old Time Rock & Roll
Dec 1, 2023
At what point can I declare a NGD?
I brought home a gorgeous DGT Artist last night from my buddy with the GAS problem
Of all of his guitars this DGT stood out to me
I love its looks, it's sound, and the way it plays for me
It's truly an amazing guitar

Technically its on loan but he has so many guitars and and at least 2 other DGT's
He prefers the 408's and has about 5 of them
So I get to play this amazing guitar every day if I choose

But at what point do I get to declare that NGD?

Awesome guitar! Friends are so great.

Don't worry about whether it technically fits as an NGT. Just roll your own acronym: BGT (Borrowed), LGT (Loaned) , BDGT (Borrowed DGT), LGBT (Loaned Guitar, Brass Trem) or whatever fits for BLT.