My basic stance toward the world, musically speaking, is improv.
A lot of the time, I sit down and what comes out is what comes out. For example, here's a snippet of what came out one day a few weeks ago:
Sometimes I work on writing new tunes. Sometimes I work on getting better at playing my own tunes I've already written. Often I'll use my looper to make my own "backing tracks" to practice on or develop ideas for tunes. I end up playing a lot of bass in the course of doing that, which I'm finding I really enjoy.
Sometimes I work on learning tunes, which for the last bunch of years has mostly been standard tunes 'cos I've been doing the jazz thing, but in the last year or so has also been old classic rock tunes (a lot of times it's actually RElearning) 'cos I'm in a rock band playing that stuff. I still try to put my own spin on those tunes though, at least to some extent. I actually work suprisingly hard at the rock stuff. It's definitely non-trivial getting to the point where I'm happy with the quality of what I do in that context.
Sometimes I just work on harmony. (stuff out of Mick Goodrick's books mostly) That's a lifetime of work there, and I'm WAYYY behind.
A lot of times I just get out four or five guitars and play to listen and compare what the guitars can do.
I started playing in 1966, when I was 8 years old. The second tune I learned to play was one I made up myself. Just how I'm wired.