Are these Gotoh Vintage Keystone tuners drop-in replacements for an SE McCarty 594?


New Member
Nov 23, 2024
Just picked up a new SE McCarty 594 and am wondering if the Gotoh Vintage Keystone tuners available from Stewart-MacDonald as PN 0912 (sorry, I can't post a link to them with a new account, but they come up with a simple Google search of "Stew Mac 0912") are drop in replacements without needing to ream/drill holes, etc.?

Not sure why the swap but the Google doesn't look like locking tuners. Most go lockers or keep stock.
Unless you’re having issues with the stock tuners I wouldn’t recommend it. I’m a big fan of Gotoh keys but in this case I don’t think you would gain anything.

Another thing to consider is the buttons on the Gotoh’s will most likely have a more mint colored hue to them than the stock buttons. The relic version looks cream like the original but please don’t put relic tuners on a pristine new guitar.
Another thing to consider is the buttons on the Gotoh’s will most likely have a more mint colored hue to them

We complain about the new wing buttons but why some Gibson guys prefer these green things.. I'll never understand. Shopping for my first LP was probably the only time I cared about tuner buttons. Anything but the toxic tuners