Archon 50 MK2 Feedback on Drive Channel

Mike Corey

New Member
Sep 24, 2024
I just bought a Archon 50 MK2 head. Anyone else having feedback issues on the drive channel?
I haven't seen any complaints on this. What are your amp settings and what's in front of the amp?
I just got an Archon 50 Mk II combo and haven't had any major issues with feedback. To be fair, I'm fairly conservative in terms of where I set the lead channel volume...mine is right at noon, and I've not found it to be any more noisy than any other high gain amp I've played through (Marshall JVM, Marshall JCM 2000 TSL, Randall Diablo). I do find that like any high gain amp, when you kick on an overdrive on in front of the amp, there is definitely noticeably more feedback, but the feedback can easily be controlled with a noise gate.