Was considering getting one done at some point. Looking at doing a fairly simple Pi symbol design. If anyone here does them or you know someone that does good work, post a link to a website or photos/contact info.
Yes, I actually have one of his. My only issue with it is that there's a good size gap between the end of the TRC and the nut which bugs me a little.This guy does nice work.
He will also do custom designs.
Yes, I actually have one of his. My only issue with it is that there's a good size gap between the end of the TRC and the nut which bugs me a little.
You could try this guy:
I make custom TRC's with wood inlay.
There is a guy in Canada which custom makes mine for around $30. I have the eagle on all my guitars.
Yes, I actually have one of his. My only issue with it is that there's a good size gap between the end of the TRC and the nut which bugs me a little.
The copyright infringement aside, this isn't very well done. The edges of the cover aren't even and the inlay is sloppy.