Anyone else into RC helicopters?


Apr 26, 2012
I have a strong urge to fly.

My wife just got me a $25 Syma helicopter on a lark. I'm quite surprised by how well it hovers, but it has no camera, fires no projectiles, and is not suited for outdoors. I think I'd like a machine that can scare squirrels away from birdfeeders.

Any thoughts?
I've got one of those. Not touched it in a while, much to my girlfriends annoyance I expect. She did tell me that if I got one it'd wind up on the shelf or broke.

I'd love one I can take outside though.
I've had a couple of the small ones and would like to get a bigger "outside" one some day... They are a lot of fun!!!
I've had indoor and one outdoor. I could never get the trim adjusted properly, and got frustrated. My son got a Mellinium Falcon for his birthday last year, and it worked great. I think it made it a week before it was completly destroyed.
I'm interested, but have yet to get one. I am concerned that the smaller cheaper ones will not be stable enough, but I don't know if I want to spend the money on a bigger one.
I just made the leap to a Blade CX2. It's 16.42 inches long and much less forgiving than the tiny Syma. I tried it out inside and, um, yeah, it's not meant to be flown indoors. Going to have to wait until it gets above freezing outside...
My son got me one for the recent holidays. It's great...once you get the hang of it, they are really fun to maneuver. I have perfected annoying my Airedale by having the 'copter fly right next to where he is sitting, and hover like a pesky insect. He will whine and slink away. If he could talk he'd say, "why you gotta be so annoying, Dad?" And I'd answer "'Cause that's my job, Wayneburger!"