Any tips for me in regard to using a Noise Suppressor Pedal? May get a Boss NS-2 or a Boss NS-1X


Jun 26, 2024
So I think I'm gonna acquire a Boss NS-2 or a Boss NS-1X for a Noise Suppressor Pedal.

If I understand correctly the NS-1X can accomplish everything the NS-2 can with some added features if I want to spend the extra dollars on it.

Pictured below are the pedals my PRS runs into from right to left then into Guitar Rig 7 on PC.

The Guitar RIg 7 actually has an emulator of the Boss NS-2, designed to be the equivalency of a Boss NS-2. It does block out some buzz and hum noise etc. However I'm figuring a physical pedal somewhere in my peddle chain prior to the computer connection can accomplish more than said emulator. Also in a jam setting with a band I'd only use the peddles so I'd like a Noise Suppressor Pedal to provide it's assistance.

One reason for this post is to ask who here might have a Boss NS-2 and/or a Boss NS-1X. What can you tell me about your experience with them? Any advice?

Second thing I want to ask is where do you think this cool white Boss peddle I'm getting should go for me with this rig of mine? I know people do use them as the first thing a guitar goes into, yet also after overdrives especially. Maybe have to try both ways to find out but I'm thinking from right to left my Noise Suppressor should go after my second overdrive (Mini Tube Screamer) either before or after the Morley Wah peddle.

Just wanting to clean up the sound a bit and cut out some of the non musical noise.


Also got a Joyo Noise Gate (much cheaper) recommended by someone and an ISP Decimator G-String 2 (more pricey) recommended by another.

Looking into them all a bit, but help me if you can. Thanks.
Day 1 with my new pedal. I decided on the Boss NS-1X Noise Suppressor pedal. Was close to siding with the ISP Decimator II G String that was recommended to me but I figured I’d like more knobs and options to play with and the NS-1X seems to let me more so dial things in. I’ve seen and heard both good and bad reviews on the Boss NS-2 and the Boss NS-1X has added features, reduction and gate mode, and more settings. I also like the feature of the mute mode because that will give me the peddle to step on at times I’d otherwise turn my guitar’s volume knob to zero. Also with long presses of the peddle you can change between gate, reduction, and mute mode without reaching down which is nice.

Was looking on Reverb for a discounted used one but then I realized Sweetwater had a Demo one discounted and that way I get full warranty.

Really was just hoping to clear up my sound some when double overdriven. Like those dead stops with high gain abilities. And, yea, got it now and I’m liking what it’s capable of. Sweetwater candy and everything! 😉 Loving the pedal so far and it really improves my rig. With overdrives on it lets good sound and tone through but cuts out the nonsense making the overall sound of being plugged in be less polluted.

I recommend the pedal for anyone playing with high gain overdrive that wants a dead stop to go silent. Really neatens up my sound especially when overdriven. I’m happy with the purchase.
