Glad that got you going GeorgeB! Now to get the photos "inline" here on the site, at Flickr, click on an image you would like to share. Then scroll down a bit and in the lower right corner, there is a arrow pointing to the right (it is between a star to it's left and a down pointing arrow to it's right). When you click on that, you will get a small window that will pop up. Along the top of that window, click on the "BB Code" link along the top. There is a box with the code you would use here to put the file here on the site. There is a drop down list below that as well where you can choose what file size you would like to share. I would always choose "Original" which is last in that drop down list. Then with that copied code, come back here to a post and past it in your message. It will look something like this:
[url=][img][/img][/url][url=]IMG_3817[/url] by [url=]George Biancardi[/url]
You can remove the bits after the first [/url] if you don't want the text stuff they want to add to your picture post (or you can leave it, all good). With the bits removed, for the picture only, it would look like this: [url=][img][/img][/url]
Below is what that code displays here on the site! Enjoy and thanks for sharing the pix of that beauty!!
There was a special name for this HSH configuration back then... Dan Huff wiring maybe? Also there should be a 10 embossed on the right of the serial number. The top looks really nice.
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