Annual NC BBQ, Beer, and Gear April 13th

There's a hooters, Texas steakhouse, Waffle House, and Cracker Barrel all walking distance from the hotels
There's a hooters, Texas steakhouse, Waffle House, and Cracker Barrel all walking distance from the hotels
I used to work for a company based in Raleigh. Is the 42nd Street Oyster Bar still there? My wife loved that place. Maybe I can work out a deal with her since it's the weekend of our anniversary. :D

Is that Mark Tremonti?
Looking like a sparse crowd compared to years past....

Vintage Rocker

Francric + Cathy
Buildermike – Maybe


Psychodave and Pauly – Maybe
Sirloin – Maybe
Tapeworm – maybe
HooBass - Maybe

Rig Talk

James Lugo
htthomas - From Port City

PRS Forum

Shawn – Maybe

Also we MAY have Ossie from 3 Monkeys there and Eddie Berman from Soundpure/Indoor Storm
I have to bow out of the event unfortunately. Extremely bummed I can't make it.
I also have to bow out this year due to a conflict over which I have no control. I'm real bummed too, but I won't be able to make it this year. I was really looking forward to it, too. :( Have fun guys!
Guys, I really don't know how to say this but I have a family emergency hitting right now as we speak and truly won't be able to pull this off this year. I apologize for the short notice, but this literally hit less than an hour ago and we are in a bit of panic mode right now. We are all ok and I will send a personal note to all who rsvp'd to his as soon as I get home this weekend.

I truly am sorry and really can't believe I have to do this
I might just come down anyway, to harass your sorry ass, just for kicks...

That, and to see if Rob can hit water...

Hey Guys

Just wanted to ensure everyone that we are fine....its not a health or financial emergency....just something TOTALLY unexpected that we have to deal with and I dont want to put the burden of the BBQ on top of my wife and family while also dealing with this other highly volatile situation...its all good, just have to get this other crap dealt with once and for all....

For those that have been to previous BBQ's, you all realize that I put the wife through the ringer that week..LOLOLOL....I just cant do it to her on top of this other crap.