Andy Baerg (iahawk36) is my BOOOOYYYYY!!!!!!!


Goatee Practitioner
Apr 26, 2012
Stevensville, MD
Ok so whenever Andy comes into town (Stevensville) for the PRS Experience,or spec'ing out a PS he stays at my house. It is always great to see Ang and hang out and his friendship is payment enough for staying at my house. I look forward to these PRS visits becasue I get to hang out with Ang....

One of the highlights of going out to Markie's place for the weekend in March was to hang out with Ang. I consider him a real friend.

So anyway - Andy sent me a 5909 uncovered bridge pup for free!!!! I put it in my Bernie SE and WOW!!!! It is AWESOME. He said he felt like he needed to compensate me somehow for crashing at my place. I told him there is no need for that. I don't expect anything...we are friends.

And it gets better....

We were talking on the phone yesterday and tells me that he just bought some more pickups - a 5310 neck squabbin, a 5310 bridge and a set of covered 5909s. And then he drops the bomb on me....he is sending them to me to try out in my Bernie!!!!!!!! I get to pick which combination I like best!!!!!!!!

Man this is unbelievable. Those of you who know me know that I do not have a lot of expendible cash (youngest son in private school, oldest in a lot of lacrosse and scholastic programs to help him get into college, etc.). I have to save for an SE, so spending as much as an SE on some pickups just isn't in the cards for me. So to have Ang do this for me is humbling. I am still in disbelief. I know Ang will yell at me for posting this, but too bad...

Oh - and the next time I see Ang, I am going to hug him like a gorrila with plan!!!!
All of this is completely un-true...except the part where Dane let's me stay at his house every time I'm out there.

I would never do anything nice...for anyone.... ;)

In all seriousness, Dane is one of the great people out there. He gives without expecting anything in return and is one of the most selfless people I know. We should all be so lucky to have a friend like him.
iahawk36 said:
In all seriousness, Dane is one of the great people out there. He gives without expecting anything in return and is one of the most selfless people I know. We should all be so lucky to have a friend like him.

I'll never forget driving down the highway near Anapolis and seeing Dane driving a PRS shuttle and going "Holy crap, I think thats Dane from BAM" hahahha :lol:
themike said:
I'll never forget driving down the highway near Anapolis and seeing Dane driving a PRS shuttle and going "Holy crap, I think thats Dane from BAM" hahahha :lol:

I remember that Mike!!!! I thought that was pretty cool!
WEDGE said:
Good on you both :P

I hope I get to meet you both at the experience, some cool people on here and BAM (R.I.P.) 8-)

We will definitely be around Wedge......Hopefully I will get to be a driver again this year....
Yeah, Ang is a TRUE brother. He'd give ya the shirt off his back. He's loaned me his Timmy pedal, his amp, his wife, one of his kids, and an old rubber Godzilla suit... <please don't ask what I have done with ANY of the above.> Good dude right there.

Now Dane, on the other hand... :roll:
A lot of love on this board!!!

Some great folks..... always great to meet you guys when I am over!
gag halfrunt said:
I just wish I knew the 59/09s were going to Dane. I would have shipped them directly to him!

It's all good m'boy....gotta add a few to the box before I send it off to Stevensville! :D :D
gag halfrunt said:
Yep, Andy is a really good dude.

I just wish I knew the 59/09s were going to Dane. I would have shipped them directly to him!

So Andy's the one with the quick finger that beat me...