New Member
Hey guys! I came upon this forum after recently acquiring a PRS SE 277 semi hollow Baritone guitar. I got a great deal on it and am very pleased with it so far. However, it would appear that I now need another amp to fully enjoy this guitar. Due to a back injury I downsized to smaller amps which will work to some degree but require turning down the bass, volume and lightly playing the upper strings. I have a Fender Mustang I and Marshall MG15. Years ago I had a Fender Pro Reverb so I know the benefits of a tube amp. But my weight limit for lifting is no more than 30 pounds so the big amps are out. I do not play professionally and pretty much am a bedroom jammer. But I still want to be able to move the amp if necessary. From what I have found so far it sounds like an amp with two 12 inch speakers is the best scenario, but one 12 might work. Also, from what I have read, Bass Amps are not the way to go either. Again, the problem seems to be weight. I do not need an amp with a bunch of effects as I typically play through my pedal board. Basically, I am looking for something under 30 pounds that will sound good with my Baritone and pedal board. I should add that I do not typically play loud and don't play metal. I like to rock out sometimes, but for purposes of the baritone, I have been getting into ambient guitar lately and will be using it mostly for that style of music. I appreciate any help and suggestions from fellow Baritone players.