Amp shootout: Which one would you pick?

Which of the amps in the video sounded best in this comparison?

  • Marshall

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Blackstar

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Orange

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Mesa

    Votes: 5 41.7%

  • Total voters
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New Member
Mar 6, 2013
It would be interesting to add a 2 Channel H to that lineup to see how it would compare. Surprisingly, I would say the Orange might have been the best.

The Marshall was reasonable throughout, but there were portions that just sounded, well, a little flat. The Blackstar sounded okay at the start, but ended up being very hollow toward the end. The Orange kind of had a raw, unfocused vibe to it and it didn't sound "huge," nevertheless, I thought it worked. The mesa was tight, but seemed to lack the aggression of the Orange and Marshall for some reason.

This is all subjective, of course, but it can still be interesting to see how people hear different things from the same sounds.

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Surprisingly, I think I prefer the Mesa, but the Marshall is a close second, for sure. I'm surprised at the Mesa Rectifier being that crunchy. I imagined it being a lot more "metal high-gain" kind of amp.
I think the EQ of the Mesa sounded best, but the breakup character could have been a bit better. Would like to hear the Blackstar with different EQ settings.
I preferred the Mesa's solo tone, and the Orange's crunch tone. But if I had to choose among these four, on balance, I'd go with the one that sounded right to me on the solos, and that would be the Mesa.

The Marshall had a nice rhythm tone, too, but I couldn't tell about the solo tone because it was set up kind of shrill.

Didn't dig the Blackstar, but again, that could also be a setup thing.

Based on what I've heard in similar videos, I think the 2 Channel H would be a lot nicer amp than any of the ones in the video. But it's awfully, awfully hard to make decisions based on video recordings like these, especially when played at compressed rates on the web.
I liked the Mesa best overall, with the Orange a close second. The Orange sounded a bit better on the first part of the song, but I think Mesa has the most interesting driven sound for single notes.
I liked the Mesa best on all parts. Probably Orange and Marshall tied for second and the Blackstar last. Never really heard a Dual Rec sound that good but then again most of the metal guys don't make it sound like that.

The Amplifiers section is for PRS amps.

If you want to post an amp shootout with your Les Paul and four different PRS amps, the Amps section is the place to do it.

If you want to post your PRS guitar and these non-PRS amps (as shown in the video) that's cool too - post it in the Electric Instruments section. But no PRS guitars and no PRS amps is a little uncomfortable. We've managed to loosen things up since the early days where people couldn't even discuss non-PRS products but it can only continue this way if we are respectful of the board owner. Your help, in that regard, is appreciated.

Rather than delete this thread (which is what I think should be done) I am going to move it to the General section as a token of my respect for you and the good will I hope to foster amongst our members.
Okay, thanks for moving it. At the time, it wasn't entirely clear what threads go where. The sub-forum descriptions could be a bit clearer in that regard.

And for the record, the first thing I said was that it would be interesting to see how a PRS 2 Channel H would compare to the amps in the video. So it ought to have been obvious that this IS a discussion of PRS products, even though no PRS amps were in this particular video.

BTW, the moderators "loosening up" the policies regarding product discussion here was just a matter of common sense and necessity, because it's pretty much impossible to have any meaningful discussion without mentioning, comparing, and constrasting PRS to other brands.

If all discussion regarding non-PRS products needs to be in the general discussion forum, that's fine. Just ad that to the sub-forum description.
Okay, thanks for moving it. At the time, it wasn't entirely clear what threads go where. The sub-forum descriptions could be a bit clearer in that regard.

The section is labeled "Discuss PRS Guitars and Amplifiers".

And for the record, the first thing I said was that it would be interesting to see how a PRS 2 Channel H would compare to the amps in the video.

Your video had no PRS guitars or amps in it. Simply typing the letters "PRS" in the opening comments doesn't make your video about PRS anything.

So it ought to have been obvious that this IS a discussion of PRS products, even though no PRS amps were in this particular video.

No, it wasn't.

BTW, the moderators "loosening up" the policies regarding product discussion here was just a matter of common sense and necessity, because it's pretty much impossible to have any meaningful discussion without mentioning, comparing, and constrasting PRS to other brands.

I agree - but your video didn't "compare and contrast" a single PRS product.

If all discussion regarding non-PRS products needs to be in the general discussion forum, that's fine.

Technically, non-PRS discussion is off topic altogether. Whether "that's fine" with you or not is irrelevant.

Just ad that to the sub-forum description.

Feel free to contact the Admin with your recommendation.
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