ABY any favorites?


Luthier and Sound Sensei
Sep 30, 2022
I've long run stereo amp setups , but have relied on the stereo outs from the effects . I've considered ABY boxes for a while and the current state has come a long way . Radial, Mesa, Lehle all seem to have decent units . I'd like to hear from folks who have used them and any preferences...

Thanks in advance , just looking for wisdom
The only ones I will use are Lehle. No tone suck. But for the 'both' position you need their splitter box. Still, no tone suck.

The signal grounds are electrically isolated. I thought the Radial I tried affected the tone negatively; I'm just not a fan of their gear. I haven't tried the Mesa.
I have two Radial units. An ABY and Headbone as a 4 amp switcher. Both do what they’re supposed to do without issue.
The only ones I will use are Lehle. No tone suck. But for the 'both' position you need their splitter box. Still, no tone suck.

The signal grounds are electrically isolated. I thought the Radial I tried affected the tone negatively; I'm just not a fan of their gear. I haven't tried the Mesa.

I use Lehle for various widget-y jobs these days, mainly the Sunday Driver and Parallel L. They make good gear - stuff that does what it says on the tin and keeps working without fail.
I use Lehle for various widget-y jobs these days, mainly the Sunday Driver and Parallel L. They make good gear - stuff that does what it says on the tin and keeps working without fail.
I do likewise. Their signal grounding isolation is extremely good, and I find their stuff has zero negative effect on the audio.
Lehle And Radial...both have served me very well over the years.
These little ART boxes work well. Little LEDS light up when A or B or both are selected.

I have a couple of these that are mint on Reverb right now.

I bought them so I could switch between two acoustic guitars onstage but I just press mute on my Polytune tuner, unplug and make the switch.

Fewer cords to get tangled up with on a small stage.

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