Deleted member 5962
The whole thing with Covid is blown way out of proportion. It's basically a normal flu and people do get sick and die but many that are dying they say it's Covid when it's really other reasons. The vaccine is the reason they are doing this.
I beg you to stop spreading this mis-information.
You can throw all of the freaking surveys out there that you want too, but here is the one that matters to me. I'm 60 years old and have never lost one person I ever knew to a "flu." I'm now over 15 people I know, who have died from covid. And not your bs excuses for covid. I also am now over 10 people I know who have side effects that may well be for the rest of their lives, and may even eventually be the reason they die even if it is a few years form now. My #1 source of business is a realtor who had the "crystal pneumonia" crap while she had covid, that they know for a fact has done permanent damage to her lungs. She will "probably" die of pneumonia some time when she gets a cold or flu and her lungs can't fight off what the rest of us could. As of now, she's only lost 40% of her lung capacity. Do you have any REAL resources to know what that means?
You REALLY need to get your head out of whatever mind control web site you get your information from's ass, and look around at what is really happening. Here's a quick parting gift for you. My friend who I play guitar with, who thought this was all an overblown "hoax" missed a month of work, and so did his wife. Now, he's working half days because he has no stamina and can't work out in the heat. He might recover 100%, so you morons can somehow say "it's just like any other disease, and he's fine, right?" Well, a family member of his wife, who is younger and healthier than either of them, has a career, and 3 kids AT HOME, is now on in the hospital on a ventilator. The only known trace, is to him and his wife at a family gathering. And that was before my friend even got sick. I pray to God that the ventilator doesn't mean what it usually does, but my friend and his wife are already blaming themselves. If he and his wife heal completely, how do you think they'll feel if her niece doesn't? Wait, never mind. You're so freakin brainwashed that I don't think you could even comprehend this question nor have the comprehension to understand the feeling of blame if it happened too you.
You need to ask yourself a couple questions. 1- the vaccine is free... how can you blame big pharma for this? 2- my doctor showed me his card, that he got vaccinated... so he he got one, and it's free, why would doctors also push this on us if it's because of money. He doesn't get paid for me getting a vaccine, he didn't even give me the damn thing. And it's this way with EVERY single one of your BS theories! Chips? Magnets? I feel sorry for you and anyone else who is falling for the BS you are falling for. When someone close to you has permanent damage to their health, and I still pray that doesn't happen, but WHEN it does, maybe you'll wake the hell up.
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