Start your morning with "Wisdom of Clashcityrocker" - "No, the people that are questioning this aren't ignorant. They actually look into things. Now you see the test is bogus. Hey we have known that for a long time. Would you listen? Hell no."
OK, lets get this straight here...the PCR test is not bogus. Such tests might not be able to differentiate between covid and influenza very well, but so what? Does that mean all PCR tests showing positive covid infections are wrong? No. Lets be overly generous and say every single test ever done is using a PCR type, which is not the case, but for this hypothetical lets just say it. We have 194,000,000 known contracted cases in the world at this time. If even 30% turn out to be flu related, that leaves you with 135,800,000. Still quite a bit of people. None of these are likely and even barely remote possibilities. Many of the PCR tests could have been accurate, and there are many other tests being used, in fact there are over 380, add to it we have better testign methods now and one-at-a-time nasal swabs my not be the most time-effective method any longer. That's science, things change. Deal.
Lets also look into the mortality rates, since you have a hard on for labeling covid as a "scamdemic". Here is the ratio as it stands....influenza infects an estimated 1 billion people each year. Covid has infected 194 million. OK, looks like much ado about nothing, right? Influenza kills an estimated 250,000-650,000 each year worldwide. In the same amount of time, covid killed 4.6 MILLION people. So if you contract flu or covid...
Flu: You have a 1 in 1538 to 1 in 4000 shot of death
Covid: You have a 1 in 42 shot of death.
If I presented you with a piano with 42 keys, and I told you one of them will instantly kill you, how would you feel about playing Chopsticks?
I suggest you read this article-->
Click me even though you wont cuz mah conspuracee!
Without using scare tactics or citing facebook nutters, it logically explains what revoking the emergency use authorization means.
I know CCR, you still cant figure 5/0, so none of this will make sense to you.