A little more punch from HBII bridge?


New Member
Sep 18, 2017
Nashville, TN
I absolutely love my HBII, it is the most comfortable and easiest playing guitar I have. So much so, I really want to start using it as my main guitar in a 3 piece rock band but tonally it just isn't quite where I'd like it.

However there are times when I wish the guitar had more punch. I know it won't do the les paul punch and the hollow-ness takes it out of the pick attack as well but has anyone tried different bridge pups or anything to try and get a bit more punch out of their HBII? Asking for a friend.

((Pups are 57/08s. I've tried raising/lowering heights and pole pieces. Have even tried an A4 mag in the bridge. ))
I know that changing pickups shouldn't always be the first go-to suggestion, but if it comes to it... the 59/09 pickups are (to me) like the 57/08 but more punch. So, there's that to consider. The only down-side is that they're mostly only available in uncovered black squabbins (yes, some were made with nickel covers). I have a singlecut with 57/08 nickel-covered neck & 59/09 black uncovered bridge pickups, and they work well together and it's a cool look too.

Edit: On second thought, pickup swaps might be a little more difficult if your HBII has the piezo bridge. There could be "phase" issues; or there could not, I don't know. Again, I'm just an idiot with a keyboard here...
If you’re looking for a little extra drive, consider adding a clean boost or preamp. Two I can suggest are the Xotic EP Booster and the Chase Tone Secret Preamp. Both give you the ability to hit the front of your amp a little (or a lot) harder. The EP is tiny and has just and on/off switch and a level knob on top. I use mine with the 58/15LT pickups into an HXDA set on edge of breakup to kick it into full grind.

If you’re feeling like you just need a bit of push, it’s an easy way to get it with an adjustable level for crunchier rhythm or as a lead boost without losing the pristine cleans or nice edgy rhythm tones you can get without the hot hot pickups.
I had a HB and just couldn't bond with 5708 bridge pickup. I was very close to having 5310s put in but the guitar just didn't have the woody tone I was looking for so I moved it.
I wasn’t a fan of the 57/08 in my first HBii. Now I have a 58/15LT and LOVE it for rock.

+1 on that. I spent Sunday afternoon jamming with friends on 60s - 80s classic rock using my new 594 HBII with the 58/15LTs, and it rocked! Authentic tones, no feedback issues, pure fun. Just don’t plug into an amp with the same volume and EQ settings you used for your other guitar with the hot pickups! It will sound terrible. Start fresh. It’s all in how you set your amp/modeler/effects. I wish I could find a set to put in my HBI, without having to sell a kidney. I didn’t think the 57/08s were supposed to be that far removed from what later became the 58/15LT, but I’ve never had a guitar with those pickups.