A Blast From The Past (Or Future?)


New Member
Mar 31, 2013
Here's a photo from the 1990 release "Back To The Future Part III". I wasn't much aware of PRS guitars during that time, but I was recently watching the movie and saw this:

I guess my question is, how did Paul Reed Smith get this on the set? As I remember, the popular guitars of 1990 were still kind of the 80's metal guitars, and PRS was still kind of an underground thing that hadn't really taken hold in the public consciousness yet. Was this something M.J. Fox had in his collection, or was it some brilliant product placement by Paul?
Of you look in part 2 they are hanging up in the diner too! It's awesome!

I also enjoy in "airheads" when the guy asks for a PRS dragon as one of his demands for his hostages!!
Of you look in part 2 they are hanging up in the diner too! It's awesome!

I also enjoy in "airheads" when the guy asks for a PRS dragon as one of his demands for his hostages!!


MJF is definitely a guitar guy so it may have originated there or possibly the producers of a "futuristic" movie recognized PRS as the future of guitars even in their infancy.
Cool post!
There was a second one not shown in the picture. It was to the left of the one you see on the wall. In the movie, it pans across it kind of quickly, but it looks like a CE 24 with a Maple fretboard with a metallic blue body.