'85 number 57


Zomb!e Nine, DFZ
Apr 28, 2012
So I'm in the studio tracking a few songs and the studio owner(Paul Schulter) has been a PRS player since 1985. He has number 0057. First time I got to play it today. I'm gonna track something with it on one of our songs. Not sure what yet. It's an awesome guitar. Paul and maybe some other employees @ PRS probably know this guitar. In all it's faded royal blue glory. Here's some shots from my phone:


and a gratuitous couch shot:

I'll have some better pics when my photographer buddy gets me some pics.
Was this yours?

No I still have my '85 Royal Blue Custom. The main difference is mine has moons, this one has birds. This one was probably made the same day as mine though, the serials are very close. Nice to find it posted here, hence the bump.
No I still have my '85 Royal Blue Custom. The main difference is mine has moons, this one has birds. This one was probably made the same day as mine though, the serials are very close. Nice to find it posted here, hence the bump.

I've posted pics of this a few times but I think this one is a new picture to avoid picture fatigue. It's much more faded that #57 but is 100% a Royal Blue guitar. Probably made on the same day as #57 but mine has moons rather than birds and the PU rings are white rather than black - I suppose it was just what they felt like fitting on the day. The trem blocks are slightly different though - mine has a more rounded end near where the arm slots in compared to the more elongated block on #57. Both types are correct.

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So I'm in the studio tracking a few songs and the studio owner(Paul Schulter) has been a PRS player since 1985. He has number 0057. First time I got to play it today. I'm gonna track something with it on one of our songs. Not sure what yet. It's an awesome guitar. Paul and maybe some other employees @ PRS probably know this guitar. In all it's faded royal blue glory. Here's some shots from my phone:


and a gratuitous couch shot:

I'll have some better pics when my photographer buddy gets me some pics.

There's been some great music recorded with this guitar. Nice that you get to continue the tradition.
Wow! Both of these are amazing- would love to hear how different they sound from the current version.