60's Les Paul Classic


Rockin that Old Time Rock & Roll
Dec 1, 2023
I got to fondle and play a Les Paul Classic 60's today
Growing up I always wanted one but feared I couldn't adjust to the neck

The thing was heavy and
I would not have traded my $300 2009 SE Singlecut with the Pearly Gates in it

My guitar was lighter the neck wider and easier to play
and it sounded better

I no longer have GAS for a Les Paul
Because of inflation my $1,300 in 1996 was more than my $1,300 in 2024.
But for me my PRS SE HB II > the Gibson LP Studio.
From Les Paul to Paul Reed Smith I went.
Yea, I mean I do not plan on going back for for a higher
Because of inflation my $1,300 in 1996 was more than my $1,300 in 2024.
But for me my PRS SE HB II > the Gibson LP Studio.
From Les Paul to Paul Reed Smith I went.

So it wasn't Les Paul at all. It was more Paul y'all! 🤓
I wouldn't buy my 10 pounder pancake body LP Dlx now and it doesn't get played much, but back in the 70's there wasn't much choice. And I've always appreciated that fretless wonder feel on a '60s neck.
I liked my Classics after changing the electronics, but couldn't get along with the thin necks. So, I sold them and got my first of many McCarty's.
my '55 Special is only 8.4lbs but has a real chucky neck, my 79 Custom is 12lbs but oh what sustain. While I love both, along with 2 other Gibby custom shops , they are very nice , but PRS beats them even at the core level