I’ve had 11’s on my 594 HB forever. With hollowbodies heavier strings mean fatter, rounder, less-plinky sounding plain strings. Or so I thought. Just for the heck of it I put on a set of 10.5’s today and despite the minimal difference in string gauge the resulting tonal improvement is huge. The highs became much more musical, warm and angelic. As a whole the guitar sounds more relaxed somehow and there’s not a hint of plinky-ness or harshness. I mostly play jazzy stuff and I barely have to roll the tone control back, whereas with the 11s I usually roll down to five or six. I was already smitten with this guitar but now I’m appreciating it even more. It sounds stunning.
What strings do you put on your thinline hollowbody guitars and why?
What strings do you put on your thinline hollowbody guitars and why?