59/09 in a McCarty


New Member
Dec 31, 2013
This may have been discussed before. I cannot find any reference to solve my problem. I've bought a set of 59/09's to put in my McCarty Rosewood. I cannot find a wiring diagram. I installed them in accordance with the paperwork that came with the pickups. My neck/bass pickup is loud and clear. The treble/bridge pickup is much quieter. I've set the pickup heights to where the neck pup is flush with the ring, and the bridge is much higher than the ring. Has anyone had this problem? Can someone tell me what I need to do?

The new 59/09 pickups have a black, white, red, and the mesh sheath wire. The McCarty wiring diagram doesn't have that. I've wired in McCarty pickups before, even installed PRS 7's in this guitar with no volume drop in the bridge. I've looked at all the schematics on the PRS site. The only one that seems close is the CU24 5-way to 3-way toggle. Do I need the 180 pfd cap? You'd think PRS would have a schematic for every guitar they've made for these pickups. I've read nothing but great things about them. I just thought it would be easier.
I didn't realize that 1/16th inch of pickup height could make such a drastic difference. Problem seems to be solved.